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Conflict and Vulnerability

10 minute read

I recently had an intense argument with a brother in the Lord. It wasn’t fun. I initiated it by bringing up some frustrations I was having with him. He responded in kind. When I walked away from the conversation I did so not knowing if any of it was helpful or right. There was relief in saying what I thought needed to be said. There was also this gross, icky feeling that I was at fault due to my own sins and the fact that I initiated the argument.

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Jesus teaches us how to fight our sin

4 minute read

Your talk is cheap.

If I want to know what matters to you, I’m going to pay closer attention to what you do than to what you say. I’ll pay attention to where you are willing to put in extra time and effort. When are you willing to suffer? When do you give up easily?

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You are the salt of the earth…

4 minute read

What Jesus demands

During the sermon on the mount, Jesus tells his followers that they are “the salt of the earth”. (Matthew 5:13) It’s a potent analogy because the properties of salt are universally well known: it’s necessary for life, it adds flavor to food, and it works to purify and preserve what we eat. Just like leaven, you only need a little bit to be effective if you work it through your entire dish. The apostle Paul uses salt as an metaphor in Colossians 4 in a very similar way: “Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.”

But what is it that makes his disciples salty? What distinguishes them from anyone else?

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The Bell Tolls

6 minute read

If you’ve spent any time online recently, then you most likely have seen something of the horrific terrorist attack on Israel. Some side with Israel. Some side with Palestine. Others, maybe surprising to you, side with Hamas. Maybe you’re even seen the gut wrenching videos of violence that were uploaded by the terrorists themselves to celebrate their brutality.

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My Pitch

4 minute read

Let me state the obvious. Trinity Reformed Fellowship is one of many Christian student organizations on the campus of Indiana University. Each organization differs in size and focus. Some are larger, with many students and lots of cool events. Others, like ourselves, are smaller and less flashy. Some have “good looking” students and some have “not so good looking” ones. Some are “cooler” and some are not. No matter what organization you might find yourself in, though, they all have something in common. No student organization is the Church.

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